More than 200 newly credentialed teachers took part in Fresno Pacific University’s Teacher Education Credential Celebration May 1, 2024. With family members and other loved ones, more than 1,000 people nearly filled the Special Events Center on the main FPU campus, 1717 S. Chestnut Ave., Fresno.

“Possibilities” was the theme as candidates from the FPU General Education and Education Specialist programs began their careers with words from featured speaker Larry Powell, former Fresno County School Superintendent of Schools, member of the FPU Board of Trustees and community connections pastor at Peoples Church.

PHOTO: Teacher credential recipients stand before the crowd at the FPU Teacher Credential Celebration. Behind them onstage are Fresno Pacific faculty. (FPU photo by Irma Montemayor)


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations