Media Information Guide

As part of its educational mission to its community, Fresno Pacific University welcomes news media to our campuses to cover cultural, educational, athletic and other events, as well as gather information for broadcast, print and online reports on subjects of local, regional and national interest. These guidelines clarify best practices for media representatives and establish FPU’s policies that balance access with our primary focus on the education of our students and our concern for the privacy of students, faculty, staff and administrators.

These guidelines apply to all property owned or controlled by FPU and to any individual(s) or group(s) gathering information via any written, audio and/or video recording methods for dissemination through commercial or noncommercial media outlets, including internet, television, radio or print.

Members of the media who wish to contact anyone at the university or planning to be on campus are encouraged to work out advance arrangements with:

Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
559-453-3677 (office) or 559-978-7712 (cell)


Name: “Fresno Pacific University” is the official name and “FPU” is the accepted abbreviation for the university. “Fresno Pacific” is an informal name acceptable after the official name has been used. The university is no longer called “Pacific,” “Pacific College” or “Fresno Pacific College.”

Logo: Media outlets and others who wish to obtain a copy of the FPU logo must contact the Marketing Department for approval. Contact University Marketing & Communications, at The logo is distributed in JPEG or PNG formats only to protect the integrity of the image.

Editorial Style: Fresno Pacific University follows Associated Press style. The style guide is available as a PDF.

Speakers Bureau: FPU faculty are experts in their field, and the university offers a Speakers Bureau for news media, community agencies, church groups and others who wish to connect with them.

Parking: Regulations in parking lots at all campuses will be relaxed for news media during public events, such concerts, plays, speakers and athletic contests, or when journalists schedule an appointment through the Marketing Department. Parking is also available on streets surrounding the main campus in accordance with local law enforcement regulations. Parking in areas not set aside for parking is prohibited.

Restrictions: Restrictions on the use of television cameras, still cameras, flashes and other special lighting and audio equipment may be imposed to minimize disruption or protect safety or security. Equipment is subject to security inspections. The university may regulate or deny news media access to certain areas to prevent disruption of teaching or research; to safeguard the health and safety of students and employee; to protect the privacy of students and others who live on campus; and to comply with state and federal laws. Media access may be denied or limited—to pool cameras or reporting, for example—during an emergency or when the university determines that unrestricted media access may become inappropriately disruptive.

Restricted and Non-Restricted Areas of the Campuses

The media is generally permitted access, including audio/visual recording, campus areas open to the public, subject to reasonable restrictions, such as time of day. This includes all FPU campuses: the main university campus in Southeast Fresno (including the campus of Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary) and the regional campuses in Merced, North Fresno, Visalia and Bakersfield.

Full access

  • Sidewalks, green spaces and parking lots
  • Corridors and common areas within university buildings
  • Public events, such as athletic contests, concerts, plays, lectures, commencement, forums and other performances either on a campus or in another location if the activity is hosted or sponsored by FPU. Some restrictions may be placed what may be recorded, as well as the use of cameras, audio recorders, lights, flashes, cell phones and other equipment. Advance notice or media credentials may be required.

Access with permission

  • Classrooms, laboratories and practice rooms
  • Athletic venues when games are not in session
  • Commuter Lounge and Commuter House
  • The offices of faculty, staff or administrators

Permission must be granted by the FPU employee or employees who work in the office or have authority over the space in question. Someone from Marketing should also be notified beforehand.

Access with prior permission and when accompanied by a designated university escort

  • The Student Health Center
  • Inside Hiebert Library and other areas where quiet study is enforced or where reference, artistic and other collections may be endangered
  • University functions not open to the public
  • Facilities not open to the public such as those for waste disposal, maintenance and repair, public safety and utility operations
  • Secured/restricted areas including construction areas, crime scenes or hazardous or unsafe locations

Someone from Marketing must be notified beforehand and they, or their designate, must be present with the media representative(s).

News media is prohibited from FPU housing.

Release of Student Information

Federal law, state law and FPU policy considers certain some student information public or private. Students may also suppress some or all public information by requesting nondisclosure. The following information is generally considered public unless the student has flagged those records as confidential:

  • Name
  • Major/field of study
  • Enrollment status (full time or part time; undergraduate or graduate)
  • Academic awards and honors
  • Most recent educational institution attended
  • Participation in officially recognized FPU athletic and other student activities
  • Hometown, international status (if the release of information has to do with curricular activities)
  • Birth month and day, not year
  • Gender
  • Photographs