Fresno Pacific University and the Fresno K-16 Collaborative

Three members of the FPU community are part of the Fresno K-16 Collaborative, a signature initiative of the California Governor’s Council for Postsecondary Education.

President Joseph Jones, Ph.D., is on the executive steering committee, along with education leaders from K-12 and post-secondary institutions across the region. Linda Hoff, Ph.D., director of teacher education, and Jon Endicott, vice president of enrollment and student services, are also involved in the program. Their participation is another example of the many ways Fresno Pacific is engaging the cultures and serving the cities. 

The Fresno K-16 Collaborative is aimed at redesigning how regions collaborate on educational and workforce systems to help ensure learners of all types can attain degrees that qualify them for high-opportunity industries. The Governor’s Council for Post-Secondary Education was formed in August 2019 an independent consultative resource to the governor regarding the economic and social impact of higher education in the state. The council envisions an integrated statewide system for post-secondary education that better serves California’s diverse students, making it possible for more students from every background and community to reach for their aspirations and fulfill their promise. More at Fresno K-16 Collaborative | California Governor's Council for Post-Secondary Education (




Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
