Examine the causes and explore solutions to the problem of human trafficking at a two-part seminar presented by the Fresno Pacific University Center for Community Transformation and the Central Valley Justice Coalition.
“Anti-Human Trafficking Training (HT 101)” begins at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 19, and is a perquisite for the “Anti-Human Trafficking Training (HT 201)” at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 26. Both events are in AIMS Center, WEC 114, on the main FPU campus, 1717 S. Chestnut Ave., Fresno. Admission per class is $30 at the door and $20 in advance for general audiences and $15 at the door and $10 in advance for students. Register at justiceco.org/ht101 or email Jeanette.jaurena@fresno.edu.
Highlights will include identifying misconceptions about human trafficking, signs that someone may be entrapped and ways to help. Participants will also hear the stories of survivors; discuss trends in the Valley, state, nation and beyond; and learn about the array of agencies working together to end human trafficking.
More on the sponsors at cctfresno.org/ (Center for Community Transformation) and justiceco.org/ (Central Valley Justice Coalition).