Fresno Pacific University staff member named to statewide education leadership program

A member of the Fresno Pacific University staff is part of a statewide program to create leaders and promote social justice and equity in higher education.

Silvia Rojas Arrendondo is a founding board member of the Educational Leadership Institute, sponsored by The James Irvine Foundation. Young professionals from public schools and agencies as well as public and private colleges and universities throughout California were nominated for the group.

Arrendondo is an FPU admissions counselor. "It is really an honor to be chosen," she said. "I hope it will give me some direction in what part of education I‘d like to pursue. Also I'd like to learn more about the history and issues of education, especially here in the Valley, where there is such a disparity in education due to racial and socio-economic differences."

"We're proud Silvia was chosen for this program and the experiences she gains will be essential to Fresno Pacific University as it continues to deal with these issues and emerges as a higher education leader in the Central Valley," said Jon Endicott, director of college admissions.

The institute was inspired by group of experienced educational administrators who wish to nurture and support young professionals interested in keeping opportunity and equity at the core of California higher education. The institute's goals for participants are to:

  • broaden and strengthen consciousness about social justice issues related to educational equity and opportunity
  • deepen knowledge of the history, politics and values of American higher education
  • teach skills and knowledge that promote social justice in higher education and advance their careers
  • form a strong network they can sustain throughout their careers
  • demonstrate that commitment to educational opportunity and equity is a viable and valuable focus

The institute consists of a conference August 4-10 at Occidental College, a weekend meeting and a three-day residence program during the summer of 2003. The institute will pay all lodging and meal expenses.

The James Irvine Foundation is a private, nonprofit foundation dedicated to enhancing the social, economic and physical quality of life throughout California, and to enriching the state's intellectual and cultural environment. With assets of $1.4 billion, the foundation make grants to support the arts, civic culture, higher education, sustainable communities as well as children, youth and families.


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
