Some 29 districts were represented at the event, which took place March 19 in the Special Events Center on the main FPU campus. Among those new graduates and alumni interviewed with were Parlier, Exeter and others that haven't been represented for a few years.

A half dozen interviewees were offered contracts during the job fair, and many others were sceduled for second interviews. FPU education staff members pointed out that second interviews aren't usually set until later in the spring or over the summer. 

Hiring and second interviews are evidence of a strong Vally job market for teachers—particularly in math, science and English. Demand is expected to continue to climb over the next few years due to retirements and other factors. In fact, teacher education staff members said FPU doesn't currently have enough graduates to cover the demand.

The FPU Teacher Education Credential Celebration will be at 7:00 p.m. May 8. Some 140 candidates, newly qualified educators, will participate in the event, which takes place in the Special Events Center.

Find out about becoming a teacher at FPU:


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
