The Valley’s one and only competition to create and support social enterprises returns to Fresno Pacific University through its Center for Community Transformation.
Spark Tank Pitch Fest will take place Thursday, April 10, from 3:00-5:00 p.m. in the Warkentine Culture & Arts Center, 4838 Butler Ave., Fresno, on the main FPU campus. Admission is free, but seating is limited, so register at:
The event is an opportunity to learn about, support and encourage community members as they pitch business ideas to a panel of judges in a competition for seed capital and business training. It is made possible through generous funding from the Lilly Foundation.
Since 2013 the Spark Tank Social Enterprise Pitch Fest has invested more than $100,000 and helped catalyze more than 50 social businesses solving community problems in Fresno. Spark Tank is the Valley’s only social enterprise pitch fest, boasting a start-up success rate double the national average.
In addition to providing a product or service at a profit as conventional businesses do, eligible enterprises must have a strategic social impact goal that can be measured and managed and a plan to operate in an environmentally responsible manner.
Other upcoming CCT events include:
- 6:00-8:00 p.m. Tuesdays, April 22-June 3, “Launchpad,” from the Fresno Pacific University Center for Community Transformation. This seven-week online course helps participants launch a business. Clarify goals, refine a financial model and master the skills needed to thrive. Meetings via Zoom. Fee $150. This event is made possible through generous funding from the Lilly Foundation. Learn more and apply at:
- 11:30-2:00 p.m. Friday, May 23, “Startup Fest,” from the Fresno Pacific University Center for Community Transformation. An expo of the Central Valley’s newest start-ups. Vendors, workshops, lunch and more! Free and open to the public in the FPU Special Events Center on the main FPU campus, 1717 S. Chestnut Ave., Fresno. Learn more and register at: