Ministry Forum offers fresh voice on the Gospels

The event is aimed at pastors, ministry teams, youth directors and lay leaders. More than 500 people are expected. Session titles are: "Story and the Nature of the Gospel," "Let the Story Guide You," "The Nature of the Gospel" and "Real World Dialogue--Questions and Applications."

Miller left his Houston home at 21, traveling across country until he ran out of money in Portland, Oregon, where he lives today. He founded the Belmont Foundation, a not-for-profit organization that works with churches to create mentoring programs for young men growing up without fathers.

In addition to "Blue Like Jazz," which became a New York Times bestseller, Miller's books include "Prayer and the Art of Volkswagen Maintenance," "Searching for God Knows What," "Through Painted Deserts" and "To Own a Dragon."

This is the fifth year FPU has hosted the Central Valley Ministry Forum, which brings the best thinking and practice about ministry to the region. For more information, call 559-453-7139 or go to

Past guests include Leonard Sweet, Brian McLaren and Alan Roxburgh, Nancy Ortberg and Reggie McNeal.

Forum sponsors are KDUV-FM, the Pacific District Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, Growing Healthy Churches, Healthy Church Group, One by One Leadership, MB Biblical Seminary, Mennonite Brethren Foundation, Pura Vida, Fresno Produce, Producer's Dairy, Uncle Harry's Bagels and Wawona Foods.


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
