Fresno schools and FPU work together to provide the best student teachers

Now in its second year, HQST prepares prospective high school teachers for high-poverty, low-performing schools. "That's the area of greatest need in education," Hoff said.

Two student teachers work with a master teacher at one of two high schools. Participants build a professional learning community of student teachers, school teachers and FPU faculty. While student teachers in California usually spend a semester of full-time student teaching, HQST candidates spend most of a year in the school classroom.

One happy side effect is high school students themselves are becoming more effective learners. "Teachers are reporting their students' test scores are going up in the classrooms where the HQST students are doing their student teaching," Hoff said.

Acceptance into HQST is competitive. In return, student teachers get a $2,000 scholarship from the federal Quality Educational Investment Act and valuable experience. "They are ready to hit the ground running as a new teacher," Hoff said. FUSD is hiring many of the teachers who complete the program.

HQST started with eight student teachers in math and English. For 2010-2011 there were 14 student teachers in social science, all the sciences and math, and 20 HQST positions have been funded for 2011-2012.

Hear all about HQST at X


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
