The doors will open at 7:00 a.m. Saturday, April 16, in the Special Events Center on the FPU main campus. The SEC is at 1715 Winery Ave., south of the Butler-Winery intersection. 

The keynote speaker is Victor Davis Hanson, whose talk is titled "America's Global Responsibility." Hanson is a classicist, military historian, author and fellow at the Hoover Institute.

Other presenters and their titles include Bruce Thornton, "The Philosophical Foundations of Personal Responsibility"; Melissa Ohden, "Voice for the Voiceless"; George Nash, "Ronald Reagan's Vision of America"; Bruce Boeckel, "The Left: an Irresponsible Direction"; Steve Brandau, "The Central Valley Tea Party & Civic Responsibility"; Former Congressman George Radanovich, "Community Responsibility"; and David French, "The Virus That Can't be Contained: Higher Education Assault on Liberty."

Elected officials and radio personalities will also be part of the panel discussions "California's Future" and "Conservatives in the Fight." There will be a presentation from the American Principles Institute called "A New Idea for the Valley." Comedian Brad Stine will perform and Chris Daniel of radio station KMJ will be the conference emcee.

Thornton and Nash will also be among the speakers at a student seminar from 4:30-8:30 p.m. Friday, April 15. "Conservatism 101" is free.

Register at sunbirdconservatives.comor 559-978-0902. For more information, email


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
