Fresno Pacific University names new vice president for finance and business affairs

Wesley Qualls began April 14. The position reports to the president and is part of the President's Cabinet, President's Council and the Faculty Session.

Qualls is founder/CEO of iAxxis LLC, a Fresno-based manufacturing and consulting organization. He was also founder/CEO of Western Pumps, a builder of specialty centrifugal pumps. Previous to that Qualls spent seven years at Community Medical Centers, becoming senior vice president and chief financial officer. He also served for six years at San Joaquin Valley Rehabilitation Hospital, ending his time there as chief financial officer.

"Wes has experience managing diverse and complex programs, and a proven track record as a team leader," said FPU President Pete C. Menjares, Ph.D. "I am also impressed with his character and am confident he will relate well with other administrators as well as the university board, FPU Foundation board, faculty, staff and students. We are blessed to have such a combination of professional expertise and strong personal fit."

The duties of the vice president include:

· Providing financial analysis, planning and management of the university's resources to facilitate and support its mission and strategic plan. 

· Developing operating and capital budgets and guiding university investments and endowment.

· Leading the managers responsible for the business and human resources offices, and overseeing the bookstore and food service contracts. 

· Serving as an administrative liaison to both the budget/finance and audit committees of the FPU Board of Trustees as well as the Fresno Pacific University Foundation. 

· Communicating with the university community on finance and business affairs.

The first in his family to attend college, Qualls earned a B.S. in business—accounting and an MBA from California State University, Fresno. His community activities include serving as director and treasurer for the Foundation for Clovis Schools.

Qualls and his wife, Gale, reside in Clovis and have three children: Megan, 17; Billy, 14; and Julia, 12.


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
