The May 4 ceremonies will be at 10:00 a.m. for 184 traditional undergraduate and 117graduate students, including 20 from Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary. Ceremonies for the 227 bachelor's degree completion students will be at 6:00 p.m.

FPU's commencement is always among the first in the San Joaquin Valley. This year it's also the first spring commencement for President Pete C. Menjares, Ph.D. "I'm really looking forward to a great day on the University Green," he said. "Commencement is a time for graduates to look back and thank all of those—faculty, family and loved ones—who supported them on their journey to a degree. It is also a time to look forward as they reap the benefits of their hard work and dedication."

The address at both ceremonies will be given by Stephen Varvis, Ph.D., FPU provost. Varvis will speak as one who has served as professor, dean and administrator at the university for 28 years. The title of his address is "The Hidden Curriculum."


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
