Kriegbaum, president of FPU from 1985 until 1997, assumed the interim position in June 2011, after the retirment of Dennis Langhofer. Among Kriegbaum's major tasks work to himself put of the job by finding a permanent replacement, which came in the form of John Kilroy, who joined FPU in Janaury.

To business faculty, however, Kriegbaum was more than a placeholder. Associate Profesors Breck Harris and Peggy Avakian and Assistant Professor Peter Wasemiller, along with Interim Provost Steve Varvis, all said that under Kriegbaum's leadership the School of Business attained new heights.

In his remarks, Kriegbaum, who has written one book on leadership and is working on a second, was characteristically gracious. "There isn't really any great leading unless there's some really great following," he said.


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
