Angela Ellington won The Robert Blake Prize in British Literature for her presentation: "Julia's Rise and Fall: Sex and Feminism in George Orwell's 1984" at the convention April 4-6 in Nashville. She was one of 26 prize winners among more than 260 students who made scholarly, creative and artistic presentations. The FPU chapter, named California Zeta, was given its seventh Star Chapter Award, an honor that went to 34 of the about 300 Alpha Chi chapters nationwide.

Ruth Dahlquist, Ph.D., assistant professor of biology; W. Marshall Johnston, Ph.D., associate professor of history/Latin; Brian Schultz, Ph.D., assistant professor of biblical and religious studies; and Nathan Smith, Ph.D., assistant professor of business administration/finance and economics, are the chapter sponsors.

Alpha Chi inducts no more than the top 10 percent of juniors, seniors and graduate/professional students on each campus, representing all academic disciplines. The organization promotes academic excellence, undergraduate and graduate research, campus academic dialogue and civic engagement.

PHOTO: California Zeta members, front row (left to right): Brennen Henry (Sanger), Jorge Cubillos (Kerman), Chase Conklin (Modesto), Alfredo Ramirez (Waterford). Back row (left to right): Allison Ens (Olathe, KS), William DePledge (Oakhurst), John Koretoff (Fresno), Elijah Roth (Fresno). (FPU photo provided by Brennen Henry)


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations