Spring brings academic awards to Fresno Pacific University’s top-performing students. Here are the 2021-2022 Outstanding Graduates as well as those winning honors at the Honors Banquet and Undergraduate research Night.

Outstanding Graduates

Named by the deans of FPU’s five schools for their overall success, these students are given recognition at commencement.

Spring 2022

School of Business

Joshua Newfield | B.A. in Business Administration: Management Emphasis

Caroline “Lum” Lumnqi | M.A. in in Strategic & Organizational Leadership

School of Education

Jannette Gardner | M.A. in Teaching

Megan Kate Medeiros | M.A. in School Psychology

School of Humanities, Religion and Social Sciences

Liliana Becerril | B.A. in Graphic Design

Veronica Mendez Garcia | B.A. in History and Social Work

School of Natural Sciences

Callen Moon | B.S. in Pre-Health Sciences

Chole Sharp | B.A. in Kinesiology: Exercise Physiology Emphasis

Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary

Jireh Mukawa | M.A. in Community Leadership and Transformation

Pam Yang | M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy

Fall 2021

School of Business

Jose Luis Madrigal | B.A in Business Administration: Organizational Leadership Emphasis

School of Education

Desiree Stumpf | M.A. in Special Education

Anthony Segura | M.A. in Reading and Language Arts

School of Humanities, Religion and Social Sciences

Gillian Lehman | Liberal Studies: Spanish Emphasis

Olivia Pacheco | Individualized Master of Arts Program

School of Natural Sciences

Caesar Angulo | B.S. in Environmental Science

Hannah Weaver | B.S. in Biology: Environmental Emphasis

Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary

Jorg Letkemann | M.A. in Community Transformation

Blong Yang | M.A. in Theology

Honors Banquet

Seniors and juniors receiving honors for their work in their major enjoyed dinner and presentations April 22.

School of Business

Irelda Alarcon-Ayon, Junior Highest Honors, Business Administration

Katherine Lam, Junior Honors, Business Administration                 

Tatum Benson, Junior Honors, Business Administration                 

Cameron Olson, Senior Highest Honors, Business Administration

Fiona Mukiza, Senior Honors, Business Administration                  

School of Humanities, Religion and Social Sciences

Brady Crow, Senior Highest Honors, Biblical and Theological Studies

Amanda Hansston, Senior Honors, Biblical and Theological Studies           

Adam Krumpe, Senior Highest Honors, Contemporary Christian Ministries             

Magdalena Wenger, Junior Highest Honors, Intercultural and Religious Studies

Anna Krumpe, Junior Honors, Intercultural and Religious Studies

Karina Morales, Junior Honors, Intercultural and Religious Studies            

Jacklyn Avila, Senior Highest Honors, Communication

Alicia Garcia, Senior Honors, Communication

Mitchell Diboll, Senior Honors, Communication 

Janell Mayberry, Junior Highest Honors, Communication

Audrey Bradford, Junior Honors, Communication                              

Laura Hand, Senior Highest Honors, English

Kaitlyn Doolittle, Senior Honors, English                

Tiana Gabel, Senior Honors, English         

Amy Zaninovich, Senior Highest Honors, Liberal Studies 

Brianna Burgess, Senior Honors, Liberal Studies

Leslie Campos, Senior Honors, Liberal Studies    

Emily Hand, Junior Highest Honors, Liberal Studies

Ana Apodaca-Valle, Junior Honors, Liberal Studies            

Brenda Beltran, Junior Honors, Liberal Studies                                   

Kelli Hata, Senior Highest Honors, Philosophy     

Nicolas Portwood, Junior Highest Honors, Philosophy     

Karina Ortiz Ramirez, Senior Honors, Spanish      

Mariana Bautista Almazan, Senior Honors, Spanish

Fernando Martin Yanez, Junior Highest Honors, Spanish

Andrea Pineda, Junior Honors, Spanish  

Brenda Sanchez, Junior Honors, Spanish                               

Genesis Navarrete, Senior Highest Honors, Criminal Justice

Benjamin Hernandez-Garcia, Senior Honors, Criminal Justice                                       

Victoria Ledezma Chavez, Junior Highest Honors, Criminal Justice              

Katelynn Bloom, Junior Honors, Criminal Justice                                

Angeles Estrada, Senior Honors, History

Seth Garcia, Senior Honors, History

Danya Gonzalez, Junior Highest Honors, History

Allyson Huettmann, Junior Honors, History                                          

Ethan Wenter, Junior Honors, History                     

Veronica Mendez Garcia, Senior Highest Honors, History and Social Work              

Leondre McBride, Senior Highest Honors, Political Science

Jesus Gomez, Senior Honors, Political Science                     

Lori Small, Senior Highest Honors, Pre-Law

Nathan Kendricks, Senior Honors, Pre-Law           

Luke Colvard, Junior Highest Honors, Pre-Law                    

Victoria Ledezma Chavez, Junior Honors, Pre-Law                             

Elida Vargas, Senior Highest Honors, Psychology

Chiara Soergel, Senior Honors, Psychology

Julissa Lopez, Senior Honors, Psychology

Erika Garcia, Junior Highest Honors, Psychology                

Eliseo Montes, Senior Honors, Social Work

Blanca Sanchez, Junior Highest Honors, Social Work                         

Alexander Ferguson, Senior Highest Honors, Sociology   

Khylia DeJean, Junior Highest Honors, Sociology

Mariana Aguilar Zuniga, Senior Honors, Sociology and Spanish    

Liliana Becerril, Senior Highest Honors, Graphic Design   

Kaycee Bauer, Senior Highest Honors, Music       

Marnie Debardeleben, Senior Honors, Music      

Blaykee Bettin, Senior Honors, Studio Art             

Veronica DeYoung, Senior Honors, Studio Art     

Elizabeth Davis, Junior Highest Honors, Theater 

School of Natural Sciences

Matthew Ross, Senior Highest Honors, Applied Mathematics

Paola Gonzalez-Mendez, Junior Highest Honors, Applied Mathematics

Magdalena Wenger, Senior Highest Honors, Biology

Hannah Weaver, Senior Honors, Biology               

Roman Endicott , Senior Honors, Biology

Fernanda Espino-Moreno, Junior Highest Honors, Biology

Donte Valdez, Junior Honors, Biology

Jason Datsko, Senior Highest Honors, Chemistry               

Cesar Angulo, Senior Highest Honors, Environmental Science/Studies

Chloe Sharp, Senior Highest Honors, Kinesiology

Jose Mozqueda, Senior Honors, Kinesiology                       

Steven Chapman, Senior Honors, Kinesiology     

Rosemary Chapman, Junior Highest Honors, Kinesiology

Anastassiya Barakoyeva, Junior Honors, Kinesiology                        

Callen Moon, Senior Highest Honors, Pre-Health Sciences                            

Juliet Hardy, Senior Honors, Pre-Health Sciences

Luke Smith, Senior Highest Honors, Software Engineering

Vinicius Molz, Senior Honors, Software Engineering                        

Lydia Manu, Junior Highest Honors, Software Engineering                                                           

Undergraduate Research Night

Students, mostly seniors, presented original research on various subjects April 12 using either posters or small-group presentations to report their findings.

Kinesiology—Jose Mozqueda

Biology—Baovan Ngo, Jason Datsko and Callen Moon

Humanities—Kaitlynn Doolittle

Social Science—Luke Colvard

Biblical Studies—Brady Crow

Graduate Research Symposium

Graduate students from a variety of fields presented academic projects Friday, May 6.

M.A. in School Psychology

Victor Valdivia

School Staff Perspective on Mental Health

Brandon Chavez

Increasing Expressive Language in a Student with Autism through Direct Training

Arlette Magallon

Teacher Readiness to Handle Social-Emotional Concerns in the Classroom

Megan Kate Sullivan Medeiros

Academic Effects of Social Emotional Learning

Kari Camarillo

An Exploration of the Single Most Significant Factor in Determining High School Dropout

Jaimee Choi

Rates of Specific Learning Disability Identification: PSW vs. Discrepancy

Katelyn Akkerman

The Pyramid Model Training and Its Impact on Preschool Teachers’ Approach to Social and Emotional Development in the Classroom

Mitchell Vince Sandoval

The Use of Social and Emotional Curriculum for Increasing Communication of a Student with Selective Mutism

Amber Pietro

Exploring the Effectiveness of the HOPS Intervention for Use with Elementary School-Aged Students with Executive Skill Deficits

M.A. in Special Education

Brooke Arruda

Evidence-Based Practices: Evaluating Childhood Autism Programs to Implementation

Jennifer Cadena

Teachers’ Perspectives on Effective Co-Teaching Pedagogy

Chelsea Eaton

Camouflaging within Females with Autism

Najwa Kaileh

Phenomenology of the Experiences of Parents of Students with Disabilities in Rural Areas

Hannah Little

Factors Affecting Paraprofessionals’ Retention in Moderate to Severe Special Education Classrooms

Cassidy Needham

Pedagogical Strategies to Benefit General Education Teachers During Inclusion

Bailey Osmer

Behavior Supports for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Experiencing Puberty During Middle School Within a Public School

Whitney Pollock

A Detailed Comparison: Quality of Life Perceptions for a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Brianna Sanchez

Experiences Co-Teaching Offers For K-4 Special Education Students in an Inclusive Classroom

Lauren Sue

The Lived Experiences of Parents of Children with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) Through the IEP Process

Zaira Valeriano

Perspectives on the Effects of Preschool Inclusion on School Readiness by Preschool Professionals

Alexes Wooley

Co-Teaching using Universal Design for Learning for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in the General Education Classroom

M.A. in Administrative Services

Kimberly Rose Ramirez

Teacher Self Efficacy and Positive Discipline

Veronica Serrato

The Impact Tier II Phonics Intervention has on English Language Learners

Nicole Wales

The Importance of Parental Support of Emergent Readers

M.A. in Mathematics Education

Mario Ordaz

Teaching Fixed and Growth Mindsets

Charice Nusse

Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching and Bridging Learning Following a Pandemic

Leslie Rouse

Effect of SMP-focused Formative Assessments on Student Math Anxiety

M.A. in Strategic & Organizational Leadership

Caroline Ngwa Lumnwi

Talent Management in Higher Education: Enhancing Students’ Post-Graduation Employment Outcomes

Jennifer Cadena

Teachers’ Perspectives on Effective Co-Teaching Pedagogy

Davann McClellan

Transorganizational Change Initiatives Within the Fresno County Winery Industry: Strategic Alliance Building

Nathaniel Schenck

Our Promise to Non-Profits: Philanthropy in California State Agencies

Blanca Torres

Transformational Leaders Impact on Follower Performance

Master’s in Business Administration

Arisbet L. Torres-Villasenor

Redefine Label


PHOTO: Marshall Johnston, Ph.D., associate professor of classics and ancient history, listens to honors student Veronica Mendez Garcia outdoors by the McDonald Hall Fountain at an event for Outstanding Graduates.


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations