Nearly 400 graduate May 6 from FPU

Bachelor's degrees were awarded to approximately 280 students and master's degrees to about 117 students in two ceremonies—10:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.—in the Special Events Center. Receptions for graduates, family and friends on the campus Green followed the morning commencement and preceded the afternoon ceremony.

In his commencement speech, titled "Now What?," Fresno County Superintendent of Schools Peter Mehas praised FPU for its strong core values and "culture of giving back." He then compared the journey new graduates were beginning to the quest of the characters in The Wizard of Oz. "Each of the characters sought the very thing that seemed most elusive," he said: love, wisdom, courage, power and security. "In the end they find, to their great surprise, like you, that it was with them all along.

"Be yourself, only more so," Mehas urged his audience. And remain dreamers and risk takers. "The person who does not risk does nothing, has nothing and is worth nothing," he said. "The limits of today are the frontiers of tomorrow."

Your actions may not only shape the world, Mehas said, "they may save it."

Several people were honored during commencement. Peng Wen, business professor, received the Nickel Excellence in Teaching Award. Brian DiPalma, B.A. graduate, won the first Harold Haak Academic Achievement Award and William Kimbley, credential student and 2005 B.A. graduate, the Outstanding Scholarship Award.

The invocation for both ceremonies was given by Dr. Donald Gregory (BA '75), the 2006 Outstanding Alumnus. Student responses came from Tim Haydock, undergraduate student body president, and Dinorah Olmos, M.A. graduate. Scripture was read by Christopher and Alisa Cook, B.A. graduates, and Reba Joyner, M.A. graduate.


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
