MBBS Graduates more than 50 students

MB Biblical Seminary graduates more than 50 students

May 25,2009
Fresno, CA:
MB Biblical Seminary announces that more than 50 students have graduated this year from their Fresno, California and Langley, British Columbia campuses. They are already making a difference. "One is headed back to his homeland of Paraguay to be a professor, a second is ready to serve his Central Valley church as pastor, and another will serve as a local hospital chaplain. Each one of our graduates is eager to lead and serve others in their community," said Mark Isaac, Director of Advancement for MB Biblical Seminary.
Many graduates have been making a difference while in seminary. Katherine Enns has already had part of her senior seminar published—"Old Colony Mennonites of Mexico: A Separate People," in California Mennonite Historical Society Bulletin, no. 50 (Spring 2009): 1-6. Another graduate, Cathleen Lawler, an Intercultural Ministries major, was recently featured in an area newspaper for her cross-shaped community garden that sits on 10 acres. Done as part of her senior project through her local church, Lawler started the garden because she wanted to learn about leadership within a church and encouraging others to serve.
At the MB Biblical Seminary-ACTS campus in Langley, British Columbia, 18 students graduated with Master's degrees and diplomas during a ceremony in April. Thirty-six more graduated during recent commencement ceremonies from the main campus in Fresno, held at Fresno First Baptist Church. In all, fifty-four students became part of the 1,500 alumni of MB Biblical Seminary.

Dr. Elmer Martens, President Emeritus and Old Testament Professor Emeritus of the seminary, gave the commencement address—A Time for Conversation, A Time for Declaration from Malachi 3:16-18 and Romans 1:14-17. During his address Martens encouraged the graduates and audience together to engage in conversation about their commitment to God. He emphasized that while we must be clear in our declarations of faith, we must also be engaged listeners.

Two students were selected to give the response of the graduating class: Amy Janzen, and Chris Lewis, Sr. Janzen, who recently celebrated her 18th wedding anniversary, spoke about the importance of family support throughout her time at the seminary saying, "It truly took a village [to get us through seminary] and that village included our parents, our spouses, our children, our siblings, our friends, our pastors, our peers, and our churches." Lewis looked back on his 10 years at seminary remembering the many book reviews, cross-cultural experiences and brainstorming sessions. He concluded that though he started out feeling like "a crushed olive" he is now "refined olive oil" ready for good use.

Also recognized during the ceremony was Kings View, the recipient of the seminary's annual Community Service Award for 2009. Officials say the organization was chosen because its efforts have brought healing and hope to many men, women, and children throughout the valley. "We honor their Christ-centered vision and mission: To provide community mental health and social services to those with limited resources, and to do so in the spirit of Christ's example of love, compassion and respect for all persons," said Lynn Jost, Acting President of MB Biblical Seminary.

Officials add that though it is too soon to know if the upcoming graduating classes will be as big, they report that fall applications are ahead of previous years.

MB Biblical Seminary, with campuses in Fresno, California; Langley, British Columbia (Associated Canadian Theological Schools); and Winnipeg, Manitoba (Winnipeg Centre for Ministry Studies), seeks to inspire and equip men and women to be disciples of Jesus Christ, and to serve and lead in the church and in the world. For more information visit their website at www.mbseminary.edu

Posted: May 29, 2009


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
