Mistaken identities in Shakespeare—and what that says about knowing yourself and others—will be investigated in the 2019 YES! Project hosted by Woodward Shakespeare Festival (WSF) and Fresno Pacific University.

YES stands for Youth Engage Shakespeare, now in its seventh year of introducing The Bard to local high-school-aged students with an interest in theater. The workshop will run June 17-July 10 and revolve around WSF’s summer season of Shakespearean plays. Participants will play games, practice Shakespearean style, learn scenes and explore their creative voices by devising and original scenes. The workshop culminates with a public performance at 7:30 p.m., July 10, on the WSF stage in Fresno’s Woodward Park.

The schedule is:

Weeks one-three—Monday-Thursday, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. FPU main campus, 1717 S. Chestnut Ave., Fresno. (lunch provided)

Week four—Monday-Wednesday, 6:00-9:00 p.m. at Woodward Shakespeare Festival Stage, Woodward Park for dress rehearsals and performance. (Fort Washington entrance)

The workshop is for students in high school, going into high school or who have just graduated. No prior theater or Shakespeare experience necessary. The project director and facilitator is Julia Reimer, who has a Ph.D. in performance studies and an M.A. in applied theatre. She is a freelance director, the collaboration coordinator for Near/Far Theatre in Fresno and teaches in FPU’s theater program. The cost is $75, and scholarships are available. Register at fresno.edu/event/24866/yes-project-youth-engage-shakespeare


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
