Pacific Magazine - Volume 21, Number 2

Caring for all the gifts of God

Remember the paperless office?

Never happened, as the top of my desk demonstrates. Paper is here to stay, as much in the Internet age as it was when Gutenberg set his first page of type and invented mass communication.

Paper comes from trees, a natural resource. Trees, water, air and all what we call "natural resources" come from God, and should be treasured as well as used. Maybe we should call them "natural treasures."

In large ways and small, we at FPU work to honor all God saw as good and entrusted to humanity. As we plan buildings, we explore methods and materials that account for future needs. As we publish a magazine, we do the same.

With this issue we begin a new chapter in stewardship, thanks to our friends at Dumont Printing, which prints Pacific and many other projects for the university. Dumont has earned Forest Stewardship Council certification, and we are now using papers that meet standards from forest to print shop.

The FSC ( is an international organization dedicated to ensuring wood and pulp are grown, harvested and manufactured to high environmental standards from sustainable forests and/or recycled sources. Each part of the process, from the forest through the printing company, is certified by independent agencies. If all standards are met, projects can be considered FSC certified and contain the FSC tree and checkmark logo.

Paper is more than the material of a magazine. Paper is a natural resource—a national treasure—and is, like God's grace, a gift.

Click on image to open a pdf of Pacific.


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
