Presidential Search Survey Results Announced

The MBBS Presidential Search Committee is pleased to report the
completion of the information gathering process begun in mid-November
2002. Of the approximately 700 surveys distributed, 45% were returned;
half from Canadian respondents, the other half from U.S. respondents.
During a telephone conference meeting on January 13, the committee
reviewed the data tables compiled by its consultant, Rebekah Basinger.
An extensive discussion of the results and their impact on the
presidential profile produced a preliminary profile. (Detailed survey
results can be viewed at

The emerging profile includes: a vibrant relationship with Jesus;
professional and personal integrity; forward thinking; awareness of
theological and church trends; and team building. The profile is
currently being fine-tuned and should be completed by the end of

The committee then turned its attention to preparing an
advertisement for president to be placed in the upcoming issues of
several periodicals. Look for the ad in the Christian Leader, the M.B.
Herald, Mennonite Weekly Review, Christian Week and The Mennonite.

Submitted By: Karin Enns (Search Committee Secretary)

Posted: January 17, 2003


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
