HIV/AIDS in Africa Conference

Time For Action! Featuring Tom and Christine Sine
April 5th, 2002
8am - 4pm

About the Conference

AIDS has killed at least 22 million people worldwide, and another 36
million are living with AIDS or HIV. Never before in history have death
rates of this magnitude been seen among adults of both sexes and from
all walks of life.

The pandemic is worst in Africa. 17 million have died. 26 million are infected. 12 million children are orphaned.

There is hope! The experience in Uganda and Bostwana is that
Churches, through education, counseling and health services have played
a vital role in reducing the rate of infection.

The AIDS/HIV conference, Friday, April 5th, on the campus of
Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary will provide positive
opportunities for you and your congregation to be active partners in
healing and care.

This one day seminar, featuring renowned speakers Tom and Christine
Sine will provide opportunity to learn how you and your congregation
can respond to the global AIDS crisis. It will provide practical
seminars on such topics as, "African Perspectives on AIDS/HIV,"
"Counseling people to live positively with AIDS," "Taking Action," and
"Medical Perspectives." Pakisa Tshamika of Mennonite World Conference
will also speak.

If you have limited time, plan to attend the lunch time lecture by Christine Sine entitled, "The Medical Challenges of AIDS."

To Register:
By phone: 559.251.8628
By email:

BC Lounge
Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary
4824 E Butler, Fresno, CA

By March 28th (includes lunch):
$25 for adults
$10 students
$10 for luncheon only
On April 5th:
$25 for adults
$15 for students
Space is limited, call or email and register today!

Conference Schedule, April 5th.
8:00am - Registration
9:00am - Opening Session
11:00am - Seminary Session
12:00pm - Luncheon with Christine Sine
1:30pm - Seminar Session II
2:15pm - Break
2:30pm - Final Session
4:00pm - Dismissal

About the Speakers:

Through their published works and speaking engagements the Sines
address such issues as what it means for Christians to lead lives that
reflect the commitments of the heart; the responsibility of the church
in the third millennium; and how to prepare the nation's youth to deal
with the effects of technology, hyper-consumerism, environmental
issues, and economic globalization.

Tom Sine founded and directs Mustard Seed Associates in Seattle,
Wash., which helps equip churches to respond creatively to upcoming
challenges. He and Christine are the co-authors of Living on Purpose:
Finding God's Best for Your Life, a guide to helping overachievers
discover God's best for their lives, published in January, 2002.

In 1981 Tom Sine published Mustard Seed Conspiracy, a best-selling
book in which he challenged Christians to give up greed and materialism
and respond to those in need. In his latest book, Mustard Seed vs.
McWorld: Reinventing Life and Faith for the Future, (Baker Books,
1999), Sine addresses the challenges faced by individuals, families and
congregations in the midst of rapid global change. Other books Sine has
written include Cease Fire: Searching for Sanity in America's Culture
Wars (Eerdmans, 1995), which was named to Christianity Today's book of
the year list in 1996, and Live It Up!: How to Create a Life You Can
Love (Herald Press, 1994).

Sine is a part-time instructor in the Social Management of
Technology Program at the University of Washington and an adjunct
professor at Fuller Theological Seminary, Seattle. He has authored
articles published in magazines and journals including Christianity
Today, Sojourners, World Vision Magazine, and Moody Monthly.

Christine Sine, a native of Australia who earned a medical degree in
New Zealand, has participated in medical and missions conferences in
the United States, Australia, Britain and throughout Europe, and has
directed medical missions to numerous locations including the
Caribbean, West Africa and the South Pacific. She serves as a
consultant for Mustard Seed Associates and is an adjunct professor at
Fuller Theological Seminary, Seattle.

Christine is the author of several books, including Tales of a
Seasick Doctor: Life Aboard a Mercy Ship (Zondervan, 1996), as well as
articles including "Women and AIDS: An International Perspective,"
published in Daughters of Sarah, (Spring, 1995) and "The Global
Healthcare Crisis," published in SEEDS (Nov., 1993).

This conference is sponsored by:
Center for Peacemaking
Fresno Pacific University
MBMS International
Mennonite Central Committee
Mennonite World Conference

Posted: March 05, 2002


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
