MBBS Responds to Recent Terrorist Attacks

A call to prayer

In the midst of the international terrorist tragedy that has impacted hundreds of families, friends, neighbours in New York and Washington, I am calling the seminary community and the Mennonite Brethren churches in the United States and Canada to prayer. I extend my sympathy, condolence, and support to those who have experienced indescribable loss. We share in your pain and the tragic death of thousands of innocent victims at the hands of the terrorists. The Bible reminds us not "to return evil for evil," but "to overcome evil with good." Pray for understanding that the depths of human evil can only be overcome by God's forgiveness and power. Pray that God's people and churches may join hands in unity, solidarity, compassion, and love during the days ahead. Pray that prejudice against races, religions and nations based on the actions of a few militant extremists may cease in our land. Pray for wisdom for the President, his cabinet, advisers and the Congress as they respond to this national crises. Pray for courage and determination for victims still alive, trapped in the rubble. Pray that churches may be at the center, not the margins of helping families recover and rebuild their lives.


Henry J. Schmidt
President, MBBS
