Fresno Mayor Jerry Dyer and Dr. Rais Vohra, interim health officer for the Fresno County Department of Public Health, were among the speakers at an event at FPU’s North Fresno Campus.

PMI-California Central Valley hosted its Professional Development Day August 26, 2021, at the campus. “Unexpected Solutions” was the name of the event, which focused on how organizations adapted to COVID-19 and, in the face of the most serious public health crisis in a century, found new ways to continue to meet their goals.

Other speakers included Jake Soberal, co-founder and CEO of Bitwise Industries, the Fresno tech hub, and Sharon Starcher, DBA, assistant professor of business at FPU. FPU President Joseph Jones, Ph.D., offered greetings and other university representatives, including those from the School of Business, FPU Foundation and Alumni Office, also participated.

The local chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI), a global organization that promotes project management excellence and professional development in professions around the globe, PMI-Central Valley serves professionals from Fresno to Bakersfield. The event was virtual event, but speakers presented from the North Fresno, using the classroom technology for a more robust conference experience.

Fresno Pacific University was the event’s platinum sponsor as part of an effort to support its new Business Insights program. These targeted online workshops harness the expertise of business faculty to help local businesses overcome a range of challenges. Each Business Insight includes a 3-5-minute video followed up a by a live, online roundtable lunch discussion with the presenter. More information at

Approximately 100 people registered and 88 attended live during the event, parts of which featured three simultaneous tracks. Anyone who registered has six months to watch the recordings.

Photo: Dr. Rais Vohra, right, speaks with Angelique Kuhn, PMI chapter member.



Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
