FPU repeats Pinnacle Award

Fresno Pacific University again received a Pinnacle Award from the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC). The CILC offers videoconferencing presentations from more than 200 educational and cultural organizations.

The awards are presented annually to providers who post the highest-rated programs for K-12 students or professional development for educators. Winners are determined by feedback from teachers who have used the presentations.

FPU's presentation is "Father Serra and the California Missions: Let the Adventure Begin." Matt Gehrett oversees the project as executive director of online and continuing education at FPU. The production staff is Janet Adams, special projects coordinator in continuing education, and Trevor Thomas, an FPU senior, who portrays Father Junipero Sera. See the program here.

"CILC is honored to present this year's pinnacle awards to the providers that support the CILC mission in assisting schools with advanced learning using collaborative technology like video conferencing," CILC Board President Pam Lloyd said.More about The center at cilc.org




Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
