After the Greeks destroy Troy and its army, the survivors—Troy's womenfolk—await their fate. Queen Hecuba is confined along with the others, mourning her husband and sons and fearful of what the future might hold for herself and her family. Euripides' ancient play, translated by Nicholas Rudall, continues to resonate as wars persist and noncombatants are caught in the crossfire. Julia Reimer, FPU drama faculty, is the director.
- Hecuba: Maureen LeDesma, Visalia
- Cassandra: Brianne Vogt, Reedley
- Andromache: Donna Carr, Sanger
- Helen: Kandi Grady, Exeter
- Athena: Cassie Heffington, Fresno
Women of Troy
- Beulah Boyd, Clovis
- Barbara Flovin, Citrus Heights
- Jessica Mast, Fresno
- Christine Penner, Reedley
- Jessica Velasquez, Fresno
- Melody Whiteaker, Gilroy
- Cheryl Young, Dinuba
- Talthybius: Robert Jost, Fresno
- Menelaus: Lawrence Smith, Dinuba
- Poseidon/Soldier: Christopher Luzania, Fresno
- Soldier: Brett Jones, Waterford