"Both in my identity as a child of the heavenly father and as a servant of king Jesus, and in my role as President of Fresno Pacific I want the will of God to be done in my life and in the world, and I want the kingdom of God to come in my life and throughout this earth, now as it already is in heaven," Kriegbaum said during the ceremony beginning his role as 12th president of FPU. Faculty, staff, students, administrators and supporters gathered October 24, 2014, in the Special Events Center on the main campus.

The FPU Board of Trustees appointed Kriegbaum 12th president September 16 following the resignation of Pete C. Menjares, Ph.D., effective September 11. Kriegbaum previously served as president from 1985-1997. Board Chair John Thiesen gave the welcome and invocation as well as the presidential charge. Prayers of blessing for Kriegbaum and his wife, Peggi, were given by Xavier Piña, board member, and Pamela Johnston, Ph.D., associate professor of history and member of Faculty Executive. Prayers for Stephen Varvis, Ph.D., provost/senior vice president and his wife, Teri, were given by Taylor Long, student body president, and Ron Herms, dean of the School of Humanities, Religion and Social Sciences.

Christian higher education makes a difference in individuals, professions and communities. "Pursuing that prayer is what makes the mission, vision, values, programs, policies and people of Fresno Pacific so important," Kriegbaum said. "Important enough to create a compelling call on our lives, not just on me in the president role but equally on you in all the roles God has called you to here."

For Kriegbaum:

· "If nobody is lonely and abandoned in heaven, then I want everyone to have good and faithful friends here on earth now.

· If no one is hungry in heaven, then I want the hungry fed good nutrition on earth now.

· If nobody is controlled by addictions in heaven, then I want bodies, minds, and souls liberated to freedom in Christ here and now, on earth.

· If there is no violence of war in heaven, then I want peace and reconciliation among people here on earth now.

· If heaven has clean air and water and no cancer, then I want clean air and water and no cancer on earth now as it is in heaven.

· If everyone in heaven is a joyful follower of Jesus Christ, worshiping him in spirit and in truth, then I want everyone on earth to experience the love of God and joyfully follow the king of kings and worship the prince of peace in spirit and in truth."

Kriegbaum called FPU to be a place where people learn, grow, live and pray. "Across all our differences let's learn together every day how to be more like Jesus," he said.

Click here to watch the President's Installation.


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
