A joint effort is preparing math and English teachers to increase their and bring the benefits of dual enrollment to Kern County high schools.

The Central Valley Higher Education Consortium (CVHEC), Fresno Pacific University, National University and the Kern Regional K-16 Education Collaborative are combining to enroll Kern County teachers with single subject credentials into a new program leading to a master’s degree with dual-enrollment certification. Qualified teachers will receive scholarships to make their educational advancement possible.

Teachers get scholarships

Known as the Kern Dual Enrollment Teacher Up-skilling Pathway for English and Mathematics, the effort is part of an $18 million statewide competitive grant awarded to the Kern Collaborative in June to smooth the path for students from high school to postsecondary education and ultimately into the workforce. The program, which CVHEC first implemented in Fresno County last year, received $1,738,975 to produce up to 100 qualified dual enrollment English and math teachers over three years. Participants are also qualified as community college adjunct instructors.

Fresno Pacific University will offer an M.A. in Mathematics Education and National University will offer an M.A. in English Education. At each university candidates will learn in groups, known as cohorts, that progress through the program together to provide mutual support. Candidates may also be paired with a math or English mentor from a local community college district.

Learn more at virtual information sessions:

  • Fresno Pacific University—4:30 p.m. Tuesdays, November 8, 15 and 29. The application deadline is December 9. Register at https://bit.ly/3PSPesc
  • National University—5:00 p.m. Thursdays, November 10 and December 1. The application deadline is December 12.
  • Register at tinyurl.com/MAENGLISHNU


Dual enrollment prepares students


In addition to expanding teachers’ skills, upskilling provides more opportunities for Kern County high school students to enroll in dual enrollment courses—college courses for high school students—at their schools. Taking dual-enrollment courses increases college success rates, said Benjamín T. Durán, Ed.D., CVHEC executive director.

“Dual enrollment continues to increase in the region but one of the deterrents to dual enrollment opportunities is the lack of high school teachers who have a master’s degree to teach these gateway English and math courses,” Durán said.

“Schools in the Kern K-16 Collaborative service area deserve to have the capacity to partner with their local community colleges so their students can use dual enrollment classes as one strategy for completion of their degrees in a timely manner,” he added. “This Master’s Upskilling Program is a major step in equipping our hard-working secondary teachers with this great academic opportunity that ultimately benefits their students.”

Math at FPU

For the math program at Fresno Pacific University, two cohorts of 20 to 25 teachers each will begin in the spring and fall 2023 semesters. Courses will run five semesters with two 3-unit courses per semester. Synchronous class meetings will be Tuesdays from 5:15-9:00 p.m. with two hours of asynchronous reading and assignments per class.

Topics will include advanced algebra, geometry and calculus. The program also includes courses like Teaching Math for Social Justice and Data Science.

Fifty percent scholarships will be available through the AIMS Education Foundation. “The majority of tuition costs are covered by the generous funding from Kern’s Regional K16 Education Collaborative, CVHEC and the AIMS Education Foundation,” said Manjula Joseph, Ph.D., FPU’s mathematics education program director.

For more information, contact Joseph at manjula.joseph@fresno.edu or 559-453-2096; or Nathan Lyness, graduate outreach and recruit representative/customer care coordinator, at nathan.lyness@fresno.edu or 559-453-7183.

English at National University

The National University program is for English single subject credential holders interested in pursuing a Master’s degree in English with a specialization in rhetoric. The program will take 12 months or less, with classes beginning in January, March and June 2023. Cohorts of 16 candidates will take 10 courses (45 quarter units) fully online with asynchronous instruction.

Each candidate will receive $14,000 from Kern’s Regional K16 Education Collaborative and CVHEC, and a 15% ($2,990) employee tuition reduction through a partnership between the Small School Districts’ Association (SSDA) and National University.

For more information, contact Program Coordinator Jessica Gladney, program coordinator, at jgladney@nu.edu.


CVHEC is made up of 30 higher education institutions in the nine-county region from San Joaquin to Kern counties. South Valley CVHEC members include:

  • Bakersfield College
  • California State University, Bakersfield
  • Fresno Pacific University (Bakersfield Campus)
  • Kern Community College District
  • National University
  • Porterville College
  • Taft College

PHOTO: From left, Ángel Ramírez Ramirez, CVHEC operations and finance manager; Jessica Gladney, National University director of field outreach and K-12 education; Nathan Lyness, FPU graduate & degree completion customer care coordinator; Manjua Joseph, Ph.D., FPU program director of mathematics education; Gary Gramenz, Ph.D., dean, FPU School of Education (photo courtesy CVHEC).


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
