AIDS Day observance at FPU

To raise awareness of the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa for World AIDS Day December 1, Fresno Pacific University freshman senators staked up a square of 250 photos of children (10 children, 25 photos each) whose lives are affected by AIDS. Students could take a photo from the display, located in front of Steinert Campus Center, and pray for and/or contribute money toward the welfare of that child. That same day Tim Neufeld, contemporary Christian ministries faculty, and a group of students from the Theology, Culture and U2 class gave a College Hour chapel presentation and signed people up for the One Campaign against poverty and disease. Pictured in the square are, from left: Lucia Camozzi, senior from Lake Tahoe (kneeling); April Alkema, senior from Merced; and Michelle Ediger (BA 02). Camozzi and Ediger were both on a mission trip to South Africa in the summer of 2006.


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
