Unbelieveable Unconcert upcoming in January

It's UNtraditional

It's UNpredictable

It's Unconcert.

FresnoPacific University and Sunnyside High School join forces for an annual event that's never the same thing twice. Unconcert will be at 8 p.m. Friday, January 26 and Saturday, January 27 at the high school auditorium, near the corner of Peach and Kings Canyon avenues.

This year's edition will enjoy a jazz/swing theme, with music by student soloists and ensembles. Highlights include an all-choir version of "It Don't Mean a Thing if it Ain't Got That Swing" and a special number for three sets of siblings—Jeff and Julianne Jones, Allen and Robin Schwamb and Steven and Krista Zook—in the FPU Concert Choir. There will also be a men's quartet and a mixed jazz quartet. Soloists will include university students Mindy Del Giorgio, Aaron Bryan and Asia Smith, who will perform a duet with Marc McAlexander. Allen Schwamb is FPU student director and Robert Bullwinkel directs the high school choirs.

Admission is $7 for general audiences, $5 for those over 65 and $2 for students. For more information, call the FPU Music Office at 453-2267.

FresnoPacific Universityis an accredited Christian university included in U.S. News & World Report's college guide. Located on a 42-acre, park-like campus in southeast Fresno, FPU has an enrollment of 1,800 students—half in graduate and half in undergraduate programs. The university also enrolls 12,000 students annually in its professional development studies programs offered locally and throughout the world.

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Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
