The lounge is on the first floor of East Hall in an area that was originally a lounge but has recently been used for storage. Conveniences include a refrigerator, microwave and running water. Indirect lighting and bistro-style tables will gave the 680 square feet the feel of a coffee shop.

The lounge is in addition to the existing Commuter House on the Southeast Corner of Winery and Townsend on the south end of campus. Charlotte's Coffee Corner and other lounge areas are not enough to serve all 1,200 resident and commuter students on the main campus. The Commuter Lounge is also a recognition of the importance of commuter students at FPU. There are 700 commuter students in the traditional undergraduate program this fall, the highest number ever, said Dean of Students Randy Worden. "This makes it clear there's something for them," he said


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
