Aryanna Guzman: A Faith Focused on Others

Aryanna Guzman came to FPU as a Christian who did what she was told, not because of her relationship with Jesus Christ. She says, “I grewup Christian, however I grew up in a household where you weren’t supposed to questionanything about the Bible.”
As a graduate of Monache High School in Porterville, Aryanna came to FPU to run cross country and track. In high school she regularly attended church with her family, but she has grown in her faith since attending FPU. She says, “God has spoken to me in so many ways I would have never imagined.”
While working with the Office of Spiritual Formation, Aryanna joined a small group called Alpha. At weekly meetings, students would watch a video, ask questions and discuss God and their faith. It was through this group that Aryanna says, “I learned that I love to teach others about Christ. And that I am a better learner when I becomea teacher.”
Aryanna joined Alpha as a sophomore. In her junior year, facilitator Brandon Moreno approached her, “Brandon held the torch toward me and another student named Calvin.” Aryanna and Calvin together facilitated the group fora semester.
Being involved in small groups had transformed Aryanna’s faith from something she used to do (going to church) to something more personal (experiencing Christ in her life). She says, “WhenI started doing small groups with Brandon I gained a deeper connection with Jesus.”
These experiences led her to want to facilitate and teach more groups. “I’m going to find more small groups to grow my faith in Christ and help others grow their faith in Christ as well,” she says. Aryanna’s faith is no longer focused on herself; now her faith is focused on others.
Do you know a student who has been transformed at FPU? Contact Wayne Steffen at