Business Entrepreneurship as Christian Stewardship

President Joseph Jones, Ph.D.Over the years I have developed an appreciation for those with the entrepreneurial spirit. These are individuals who step out of comfort zones, risking failure while seeking better stewardship of the gifts and opportunities afforded by God. We read much in the parables of Jesus about the wise and faithful stewards who multiply the talents given to them. Our Lord seems to expect to see not only his word multiply fruit in our lives, but also a faithfulness in multiplying the unique talents given to those who follow him.

Jesus also espouses a wisdom that can sometimes be puzzling: “those that have, more will be given to them, and those that have not, that which they have will be taken from them (Luke 12:48).” He communicates this truth in several instances to arouse the listener to appreciate what they have. Life’s lenses are often clouded with presumed lack, perceived deficits and looming obstacles. We become blind to the gracious gifts with which God endows each of us because our eyes are filled with want.

Both my daughters are very successful small business owners with business degrees from a Christian college. Their husbands are also Christian college graduates with MBAs—one a banker, the other a venture capitalist. Yvette and I listen, advise and pray for their wisdom and stewardship because that is the measure of their success, not the amount of money they acquire or the recognition they are afforded. They are blessed with both, but their faith and focus is to honor God with their work and recognize their partnership with God as servants of Jesus Christ. This issue of Pacific features some of our graduates who recognize the importance of integrating their faith into their entrepreneurial ventures. Their success is not defined by world standards but is based on how well they serve others. These are individuals who have each integrated the call of greatness in the kingdom by expanding their service to many. This service is governed by principles of faith that guide their lives. They are proof that we can be light in our communities by how we manage and grow our busineses