Engaging Cultures Serving Cities

President Joseph Jones

Engaging the Cultures and Serving the Cities—this is the essence of the Fresno Pacific Idea for the 21st Century. In this edition and those to follow, we will be reporting on how we are living out this core identity as a Christian prophetic community. To prepare our graduates to lead and serve in the church and society, we have the responsibility of nurturing a learning environment that models the outcomes we hope our students will carry back to their families and forward to their communities. As a Christian community, our first responsibility is to live the life of love in our work and relationships. To follow the wisdom of the Scriptures: “by love serve one another” (Galatians 5:13).

You may be curious about our direction for the future. We shall walk in the possibilities, reminding ourselves of the words of Jesus: “… but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). Our future is full of possibilities that will demonstrate the light and splendor of God. We are becoming a unique university in five locations, serving as many different student populations: seminary, graduate, bachelor’s degree completion, traditional and online. We are extending our classrooms to learn and serve in the cities and towns where we have established presence. Even the plans for our upcoming Cultural and Arts Center will engage cultures and serve the city. Not only will this be a venue of learning for our students, it will be a vehicle of outreach for elementary students and the senior community in our region.

As an institution, we will continue our effort to extend the influence of the kingdom of God through our work with students. All our efforts in building new facilities, renovating the old, launching new initiatives and sustaining current programs will align with our purpose since our founding as a university: to honor God in the Valley and around the world.

Thank you for investing in this future. Your commitments to FPU will impact the lives of thousands of students who will, in turn, impact cities and towns including Fresno, Bakersfield, Visalia and Merced, as well as online and across this country. We trust in your continued support in prayers and finances. Your support has sustained us in the past, but will now catapult us into an exciting new future.


Thanks so much,

Joseph Jones, Ph.D.