Bystrom writes Pastoral Letters commentary

Raymond O. Bystrom, Professor of Pastoral Ministries at MB Biblical Seminary, has written Living Today with an Eye for Eternity. The commentary on 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus, known as the Pastoral Letters, is part of Kindred Productions' Luminaire Studies, which are written for discerning lay readers.

According to Bystrom, the pastoral letters supply us with rich theological motives for godly living. "The three letters to Timothy and Titus remind us that God himself has appeared in human history to show us how to live," he states.

The message of these three letters points beyond the individual, to the Christian community. Bystrom adds, "These letters also remind us that Christ covets a peculiar people for himself. Christ expects us to be more than a motley crew of patched up individual sinners. We are called to be a redeemed community with a corporate life that reflects God's goodness and grace."

Like other commentaries in the Luminaire Studies, Living Today with an Eye for Eternity is written in narrative style and is suitable for personal study or group interaction.

Before joining the Seminary, Bystrom was pastor of two Mennonite Brethren churches in British Columbia. He is the author of God Among Us: Studies in John's Gospel (2003) and Preaching Biblical Sermons: Three Contemporary Strategies (2006).

Living Today with an Eye for Eternity is available from the publisher at or 1 (800) 545-7322.

Posted: March 22, 2007