Koprivas present at national ACRES conference

Koprivas Portrait

Peter Kopriva, Ed.D., professor of early childhood development and special education, and his wife, Sijmontje Renema-Kopriva, M.A., will present at the 37th Annual National Conference of the American Council for Rural Special Education (ACRES) March 14-17, 2018, in Salt Lake City, UT. Renema-Kopriva recently retired as a special education teacher at Edith B. Storey Elementary School, Fresno, concluding more than four decades of work with children with physical impairments and their families. The couple’s presentation is “Looking Through the Lens for Insights: Our Visits to Schools/Adult Facilities in Friesland Province, Netherlands.”

As stated in the presentation abstract: “The presenters traveled together to the Netherlands in Summer 2017. The six-week visit resulted in the opportunity to tour and gain information on ten very diverse educational settings for children and adults both non-handicapped and handicapped residing in the province of Friesland…. Participants will benefit from select interviews with medical specialists, school administrators, classroom teachers and skilled therapists. Educational history of Dutch education will be provided along with current practice involving student placements and instructional concerns as presented by individuals at each select site. Video and photography are insightful highlights that accompany the oral presentation regarding these visitations.”


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations