Julie M. Lane, Ed.D., associate professor of education and chair of the Division of Educational Leadership, and Suja George, instructor in the School of Education, published the study "Factors that Support High School Graduation for Ute Mountain Ute" in the Journal of American Indian Education, No. 57, Vol. 3, released in February 2019. According to the abstract, “A Community Based Participatory approach was used to better the lived high school experiences of Ute Mountain Ute (UMU) youth at one public high school. It was hypothesized that path-ways the led toward high school graduation could be identified and therefore inform best practices in assisting UMU youth’s graduation from high school.” The article can be found at jstor.org/stable/10.5749/jamerindieduc.57.3.0005?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents