Celebrating the first installment on a matching gift and a successful audit were on the agenda of the Fresno Pacific University Foundation Board. The panel met in regular session June 8-9.
During 1999, the AIMS (Activities Integrating Science and Mathematics) Foundation Board loaned Fresno Pacific University $500,000 with the understanding that the loan would be forgiven if the university could raise $125,000 in new gifts each year for the next four years. The foundation was begun by former FPU President Arthur Wiebe.
As of April 30, 60 gifts totaling $132,142 earmarked for the effort were received. Some 20 gifts worth $22,200 have been made or pledged for next year.
Price Paige and Company completed the audit of management, bookkeeping and other areas and the foundation "passed with flying colors," according to Mark Deffenbacher, executive director of the foundation and FPU vice president of advancement and university relations.