James Van Slyke offered International Society for Science and Religion fellowship

James Van Slyke, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology, has been invited to be a fellow at the International Society for Science and Religion (ISSR), based at Cambridge University. Invitees are nomination by existing fellows. The society’s role is that of “fostering the highest standard of research on the relationship between science and religion/theology, and it does this where possible on an international and multi-faith basis,” according to the June 9, 2020, invitation letter from ISSR President Michael J. Reiss. ISSR hosts a North American regional meeting each year and a major international conference at least every other year, as well as pursuing various research projects. The more than 200 Fellows worldwide represent many faith traditions as well as atheistic and agnostic viewpoints. “…so the Society has no agenda other than to take seriously the perspectives of both scientists and religious believers,” the letter states. More at issr.org.uk/about-issr/


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations