Board looks at ways to support FPU, celebrates fundraising success

Ways to support the university was one of the topics tackled by the Fresno Pacific University Board of Trustees during regular meetings June 6-7.

The board approved several methods to support FPU:

  • Introduce the president and advancement staff to prospective donors.
  • Purchase FPU branded items to wear in their communities and at university events.
  • Plan university events at their churches and homes. Board members Sally Uhl and Dale Boese have each organized events.
  • Invite guests to events at the university.
  • Work with advancement staff when asked.

The board celebrated completing the third year of the AIMS Foundation Board Challenge. In 1999 the Activities Integrating Mathematics and Science (AIMS) Foundation loaned FPU $500,000, to be forgiven if the university raised $125,000 in new gifts each year for four years. The result would be a $1 million cash reserve fund.

In other action, the board:

  • Granted continuing status to faculty Scot Key, education, and Diane Talbot, school psychology.
  • Set the parameters for the 2004-2005 tuition increase at between 2.5 percent and 5 percent. The decision on traditional undergraduate tuition is expected at the October meeting.
  • Recognized the work done to examine establishing a faculty ranking system and encouraging faculty to consider such a system.
  • Approved statements affirming the bylaws, which state the board delegates to the president the power to appoint personnel and inform the board of those actions.

Meeting June 6, the Fresno Pacific University Foundation Board set up an investment management relationship with Wells Fargo Trust to oversee about $12.5 million in foundation assets and offer several investment options providing growth, immediate return or balanced return. Members also adopted a sales and marketing plan for the art collections and received the final draft of the foundation audit. The audit lists foundation managed assets at $39,242,567.


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations
