Quentin Kinnison presents on thriving congregations during University of Southern California program

Quentin Kinnison, Ph.D., associate professor of Christian ministry, director of the Christian ministry and leadership program and chair of Biblical & Religious Studies Division Chairperson, was a presenter at the University of Southern California Center for Religion and Civic Culture’s “Reimagining Church: Conversations in Thriving Congregations” August 5, 2020. The event was part of the center’s continuing Reimagining Church Initiative, which “seeks to bring church leaders together to reimagine the possibilities for creating thriving congregations both in how they provide deep meaning and community for their members, and in developing programming and presence in their host communities,” according to the website. More at crcc.usc.edu/what-opportunities-does-crisis-present-to-thriving-congregations/



Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations