Pierre Gilbert Writes on Spiritual Warfare

As a doctoral student in Montreal, Pierre Gilbert researched and wrote on the use of the curse in prophetic literature. This initial interest, and further pastoral experience, has turned into years of developing a biblical worldview which addresses a culture enthralled by magic, superstition and spiritism.

Instead of just another exorcism manual, Gilbert's book, Demons, Lies and Shadows: A Plea for a Return to Text and Reason, addresses spiritual warfare from a worldview perspective and argues for a fresh look at the biblical text which shapes that worldview. He argues that "the present understanding of the demonic distorts our perception of reality."

This book will affect the reader's perception of what it means to be human and how one relates to the spiritual realm. Viewing spiritual warfare from a worldview perspective also allows for critique and modification of the spiritual world and how we come to that knowledge.

Demons, Lies and Shadows is written to be accessible for the larger evangelical community and will be useful as a secondary resource for professors teaching in the area of spirituality. It will be released in early December of this year.

Pierre Gilbert is Associate Professor of Bible and Theology at Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary and Canadian Mennonite University, teaching classes such as "Christian Worldview" and "The Problem of Evil".

Demons, Lies and Shadows: A Plea for a Return to Text and Reason will be available from Kindred Productions at www.kindredproductions.com, or 1(800) 545-7322.