Darin Lenz, Ph.D., associate professor of history, and Angulus Wilson, Ph.D., university pastor, will participate in “The Reformation at 500,” October 26, 2017, at Fresno State University.
Lenz gave the presentation “German Pietism: ‘God-pleasing Reform’ of the Reformation, 1675 to the present” as part of an afternoon panel in Room 118 of the North Gym. Other panelists were Fresno State faculty in history, philosophy and music as well as a Lutheran pastor. Wilson was part of a pastor’s panel that evening at Saint Paul Catholic Newman Center, 1572 E. Barstow, Fresno.
The event was sponsored by the Ethics Center at Fresno State with support from the Leon S. Peters Foundation. Co-sponsors were the Fresno State College of Social Science and the Department of History, as well as the Saint Paul Catholic Newman Center and the Diocese of Fresno.