Several members of the Biblical and Religious Studies Division presented at the annual conferences of the Evangelical Theological Society, American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature conference November 15-22, 2022, in Denver. Proposals were chosen competitively from all over the nation. Presenters and presentations are:
- Darren Duerksen, Ph.D., associate professor and program director of intercultural and religious studies, “The Narratives and Foes that Shape Us: American Evangelical Uses (and Abuses?) of Persecution Narratives,” History of Christianity Unit, AAR.
- Melanie Howard, Ph.D., assistant professor and program director of biblical and theological studies, “Built on a Firm Foundation: The Sermon on the Mount for Today,” Plough Publishing panel, AAR/SBL ; “Pedagogy of Praxis: The Matthean Jesus as a Model for Christian Formation and Education,” Bible and Practical Theology Unit, SBL; and “Playing Jesus: Simulation Pedagogy for New Testament Content and Character Formation,” Teaching Biblical Studies in an Undergraduate Liberal Arts Context Unit, SBL.
- Sophia Magallanes-Tsang, Ph.D., assistant professor of biblical and theological studies, “(Im)Migration Models in Joshua and Judges,” Latino/a and Latin American Biblical Interpretation Unit, SBL.
- Laura Schmidt Roberts, Ph.D., professor of biblical and theological studies, “‘The World is Full of Persons, Only Some of Whom are Human’: Recasting Personhood and Relationality for Mennonite Ecotheology and Environmental Ethics,” Theology and Religious Reflection Unit, AAR.
- Brian Schultz, Ph.D., associate professor of biblical and religious studies, “Exegesis of 1 Samuel 1:1-5 [in Hebrew],” ETS; and “A Review of Living Biblical Hebrew by Randall Buth, et al.,” National Association of Professors of Hebrew, SBL.
- Amy Whisenand Krall, Th.D., assistant professor of biblical and theological studies, “Images of Interdependence: Metaphor and Ecclesiology in Colossians,” Disputed Paulines Unit, SBL.