David Jones, M.A., student success coordinator for the School of Education, published an article in the Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, the journal of the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD). “A Comparison of Success Trajectories Among Nontraditional Students with Varying Abilities” compared the success strategies of students with and without disabilities as they responded to academic disqualification. AHEAD members can access the article immediately on JPED’s website (ahead.org/professional-resources/publications/jped/archived-jped/jped-volume-33/jped-volume-33-issue-4). Early in 2021, the article will be indexed at the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC eric.ed.gov/). The article abstract states:
“Graduate students with impairments achieve at lower rates than peers without impairments. A social model of disability perspective suggests that the disparity results from interactions between individual and situational traits rather than individual characteristics alone. This inquiry compared and contrasted experiences of overcoming academic disqualification among nontraditional post-baccalaureate participants with and without impairments. Comparisons occur within and across dyads: three participants with impairments were matched to participants without impairments and comparisons were made within their experiences and then across other dyads. Participants, regardless of impairments, wrestled with online learning and postponed assistance seeking, and relied on relationships as a source of support and learned to manage their time as a strategy for success. Those with learning needs used prescribed medication strategically and managed identity to avoid stigma or explore autonomy. The findings prioritize support for the agency of nontraditional graduate students for achieving degree completion.”