Tim Geddert publishes articles and a new edition of book

 Tim Geddert, Ph.D., professor of New Testament, has published three articles:

· "When is the end not ‘The End'? Examining the Puzzle of Mark 13," in "Reich Gottes–Veränderung–Zukunft: Theologie des Reiches Gottes im Horizont der Eschatologie." GBFE Jahrbuch 2014. Hrsg. Von Horst Afflerbach, Rainer Ebeling und Elke Meier. Berlin: Verlag: epubli GmbH, 2014. Pages 83-103.

· "Schroffer Schluss, Neuer Anfang: Über das geheimnissevolle Ende des Markusevangeliums." "Faszination Bibel." Dec. 2014 - Feb. 2015, Pages 32-35. 

· "Worin besteht Gottes Gerechtigkeit?" "Auf Gerechtigkeit setzen: Mennonitisches Jahrbuch 2014." Schwarzenfeld: Neufeld-Verlag (AMG), 2014. Pp. 44-47.

A second edition of his book, "Watchwords: Mark 13 in Markan Eschatology." London: Bloomsbury, 2015. (352 pages) has also been published. The book was first published by Sheffield Academic Press in 1989.


Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations