Darin Lenz publishes article on compassion mission pioneer

Darin D. Lenz, Ph.D., associate professor of history, published “‘Saint Mark of Calcutta,’ Spiritual Geography and Pentecostal Medical Missions in Twentieth Century India,” as the lead article Indian Church History Review (Vol. 52, no. 2, July 2018): 11-31. The article examines the contribution of missionary Daniel Mark Buntain, who, between 1954-1989 established schools, mission stations and other institutions, including a general hospital and research center. Lenz argues Buntain, of the Assemblies of God, redefined Pentecostal ministry by using compassion mission ministries “as a strategic instrument in evangelism to reveal Christ’s healing and saving work in the world,” according to the Review’s executive editor’s note.



Wayne Steffen
Associate Director of Publications and Media Relations